Sejarah Program Studi

History of the Chemical Engineering Department, Universitas Malikussaleh

The Chemical Engineering Study Program at Malikussaleh University was first established in September 1989, with Decree No. 0584/0/1989 dated September 11, 1989, signed by the official Soejoto SH. As an institution that is the hope of the people of Aceh in order to increase the dignity of the people of Aceh who are virtuous and master science and technology, the Chemical Engineering Study Program at Malikussaleh University has contributed to creating human resources in an effort to enlighten the life of the nation.

Based on the minimum curriculum adjustment guidelines from the Minister of National Education Decree No. 232/U/2000 and the Directorate General of Higher Education, along with the change of status of Malikussaleh University to a state university in 2001, the third curriculum was developed based on the semester credit system (SKS). Students are required to complete a minimum of 144 SKS and a maximum of 152 SKS, including 8 SKS of elective courses, to complete their undergraduate studies and obtain the title of Bachelor of Engineering (ST).

In 2020, the fourth curriculum of the Chemical Engineering Study Program was developed in accordance with the demands of the Higher Education Curriculum (KPT) of 2012, which has the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) approved by Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2012. To complete their studies and obtain the title of Bachelor of Engineering (ST) in the Chemical Engineering Study Program at Malikussaleh University, students must fulfill the requirements of the Chemical Engineering Study Program Curriculum 2020 (Prodi TK 2020), which uses the semester credit system (SKS) where students are required to complete a minimum of 147 SKS and a maximum of 152 SKS with 8 SKS of elective courses.

Program Studi Teknik Kimia

Jalan Batam No. 2
Komplek Kampus Unimal Bukit Indah
Desa Blang Pulo, Kecamatan Muara Satu
Kota Lhokseumawe, Indonesia.

Telp : +62.645.41373
Fax : +62.645.44450

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United States of America 6.2% United States of America



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