Unit Jaminan Mutu

Quality Assurance Unit (GJM)

Quality assurance is carried out in a tiered manner, starting at the University level through the Quality Assurance Board (BJM), the Quality Assurance Unit (GJM) at the Faculty level, and the Quality Assurance Unit (UJM) at the study program level. Quality assurance is implemented as part of a series of activities that include the evaluation of educational, research, and community service standards. The Quality Assurance Center at Universitas Malikussaleh was established in 2005, with the main task and responsibility of ensuring the quality of education at Universitas Malikussaleh. The Quality Assurance Board was formed by the Rector's Decree of Universitas Malikussaleh No. 216/UNIMAL.H/C/KEP/2005 dated August 9, 2005, concerning the Accreditation and Quality Control Team of Universitas Malikussaleh. The main duties of BJM Unimal are strengthened through the monitoring and evaluation functions in the implementation of internal academic quality audits at the faculty and in each study program by conducting reviews, measurements, and evaluations of educational quality, aiming to achieve standardized, productive, creative, innovative, and professional education that is able to carry out quality assurance in accordance with national policies.

Organizationally, the position of BJM Unimal serves as a staff function, with the Head of BJM appointed by the Rector and reporting directly to the Rector. The organizational structure of BJM Unimal consists of one head, a secretary, a treasurer, and is supported by staff from the general section, data and information section, educational quality review section, and empowerment and training section. The Educational Quality Review Section is supported by an internal audit unit and an internal monitoring and evaluation (Monev) unit. To support quality assurance implementation at the faculty level, GJM functions continuously monitor and evaluate the execution of internal academic quality audits at the faculty. Meanwhile, at the study program level, it is carried out by UJM. Each UJM only has one coordinator for each study program.

The scope of internal academic quality audits begins by focusing on the completeness of quality standard documents, which include Academic Documents, consisting of academic policies, academic standards, academic regulations, and Quality Documents. It then extends to compliance and orderliness in implementation, covering the following points:

  1. Study program specifications, educational objectives, and graduate competencies.

  2. Curriculum, curriculum map, and syllabus.

  3. Planning, implementation, and evaluation processes.

  4. Infrastructure and learning resources.

  5. Indicators of the success of the learning process.

  6. Efforts for continuous quality improvement.

Pedoman Akademik Fakultas Teknik
Pedoman Kode Etik Dosen, Tendik dan Mahasiswa
Pedoman Penulisan PMW Unimal
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Dokumen Kebijakan SPMI
Dokumen Manual SPMI
Dokumen Standar SPMI
Dokumen Formulir SPMI
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Program Studi Teknik Kimia

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